Please CLICK HERE to download the IQHYA Constitution and By-Laws.


Article I Name and Purpose

Section 1. This organization shall be named the Iowa Quarter Horse Youth Association and shall be a division of the Iowa Quarter Horse Association. It shall operate within the scope of the constitution and bylaws of the Iowa Quarter Horse Youth Association. The Iowa Quarter Horse Youth Association is a non-profit organization and is not responsible for any loss due to accident, theft, or injury.

Section 2. The objectives and purposes of the Iowa Quarter Horse Youth Association, hereafter referred to as the IQHYA, shall be as follows: (a) To improve and promote the American Quarter Horse breed; (b) To improve and develop the capabilities of youth, both individually and through group participation, in the breeding, raising and exhibition of the American Quarter Horses; (c) To develop and improve scholarship, leadership and community interest and participation of young horsemen; (d) To encourage high moral character, sportsmanship, and other desirable traits of character.

Section 3. The IQHYA operates within the regulation of the American Quarter Horse Association as an approved youth affiliate meeting AQHA requirements as such.

Article II Membership

Section 1. Membership shall consist of any youth that has not passed his 19th birthday on January 1 of the current year. The age of the youth on January 1 shall be maintained throughout the entire year.

Section 2. Annual IQHYA membership fee shall be $10.00. Membership shall give you voting privileges. Membership to be effective when the application and fee is received by the Iowa Quarter Horse Youth Association, IQHA or IQHYA Agent. An exhibitor shall pay $10.00 annual membership and submit a $50.00 sponsorship in order to be eligible for the Youth World, Congress team and year-end awards. IQHYA state points will not be awarded until membership and sponsorship is received by the Iowa Quarter Horse Youth Association, IQHA or IQHYA Agent. Exhibitor’s points shall start as of postmark date or official receipt date.

Section 3. Errors in membership or sponsorship may be made to put member in good standing.

Article III Officers and Directors

Section 1. The Iowa Quarter Horse Youth Association and Advisor(s) shall manage the business and property of the organization. The IQHYA Advisor(s) shall be elected by the members of this association and recommended to the Iowa Quarter Horse Association president for approval at their annual meeting. The IQHYA Youth Advisor(s) shall be a member of IQHA in good standing. This office shall be a two (2) year term.

Section 2. Officers: The officers of the Organization shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Point Secretary, Award Vice President, Fundraising Vice President, Teams Vice President and the Past President, who shall be elected annually, at the time of the annual meeting of the Iowa Quarter Horse Association. Such officers shall hold office for a period of one year and until their successors are elected.

(a) President: The President shall be the chief executive officer of the association and shall have general supervision of the affairs of the association subject to the direction of the officers and directors. The President shall appoint all committees of the association subject to the approval of the officers and directors.

(b) Vice President: The Vice President shall be in charge in the absence, disability or inability to act of the President, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President and shall perform such other duties as the President shall from time to time prescribe. The Vice President is in charge of the Youth-
Sponsored Show.

(c) Secretary: The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the members and of the officers and directors and shall record or cause to be recorded all votes taken and the minutes of all proceedings in a minute book of the association to be kept for that purpose. The secretary shall perform like duties for the committees when requested to do so. The Secretary will send a copy of meeting minutes to be published in the Iowa Quarter Horse Magazine. The Secretary shall keep an updated IQHYA membership/sponsorship roster. The secretary shall send notification, by postcard or via email two (2) weeks prior to meetings to IQHYA members. The secretary shall see that all members receive a membership card, a copy of the IQHYA Constitution and Bylaws and name forwarded to the IQHYA point secretary and Iowa Quarter Horse Magazine.

(d) Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have the responsibility of preparing a budget guideline, report to all meetings of the association’s expenditures in relation to the budget and work under the guidance of the IQHYA Financial Policies and an adult director.

(e) Point Secretary: The Point Secretary shall keep an accurate tabulation of all state points earned by members with paid sponsorship. The Point Secretary shall endeavor to keep the posted points current and up-to-date. The Point Secretary shall send current point standings following the recording of each show
results to the IQHYA Advisor and the website manager. The IQHYA points are to be updated on the IQHA website following each show to keep the information current. The point standings should be sent to the Iowa Quarter Horse Magazine prior to each publication date for printing in the magazine. Questions regarding the point standings shall be addressed to the Youth Advisor or the Point Secretary. The point secretary will work with an IQHYA adult director.

(f) Reporter: The reporter shall have the responsibility of reporting on the activities of the Association and of the individual members of the Association. The Reporter shall serve as historian of the Association and shall have and perform other such duties, authorities and responsibilities as may be prescribed from time
to time by the President or the Youth Advisor(s). Duties shall include reporting IQHYA activities to the Iowa Quarter Horse Magazine, the IQHA website and the IQHYA social media. The reporter will work with an IQHYA adult director.

(g) Award Vice President shall be in charge of Year End Awards and shall work with an IQHYA adult director.

(h) Fundraising Vice President shall be in charge of fundraising events and shall work with an IQHYA adult director.

(i) Teams Vice President shall be in charge of the team stall decorations, team awards and Parade of Teams at the Youth World Show and the Congress NYATT awards and shall work with an IQHYA adult director.

Section 3. Youth and Adult Directors

(a) Youth Directors: There shall be eight (8) youth directors, two (2) from each of the four (4) districts which are divided by Interstate 35, North and South, and Highway 30, East and West. The Youth Directors shall be responsible for welcoming and coordinating activities in the districts.

(b) Adult IQHYA Directors: There shall be six (6) adult directors elected at the IQHYA annual meeting. The adult directors shall be members of IQHA in good standing. Each adult director shall assist in youth activities: 1. Points, 2. Awards, 3. Fundraising, 4. Teams, 5. Treasurer, 6. Membership, 7. Liaison to IQHA Board. Adult directors will serve as non-voting consultants to the IQHYA Officers and Board of Directors and an oversight committee for the IQHYA.

(c) National AQHYA Delegates: Delegates to the AQHYA Convention shall selected by an application process, with applications due March 1 of the year. Four delegates will be selected based on their applications, reviewed by the Youth Advisor and a committee of adult directors.

(d) Past President: IQHYA Past President shall automatically become a member of the board for the following year. If, however, the ex-officio exceeds the age limit, he/she shall participate as a non-voting consultant.

Section 4. Replacing an Officer. In the event an IQHYA Officer is unable to fulfill his or her duties, a replacement for the officer will be chosen by the current IQHYA Board of Officers.

Section 5. The IQHYA Executive Officers and the Adult Directors will serve as a standing grievance committee for the IQHYA.

Article IV Iowa Quarter Horse Youth Association Point System

Section 1. The Iowa Quarter Horse Youth Association shall award year end awards, based on the IQHYA Show and Year End Award Rules.

Article V Selection of teams representing Iowa Quarter Horse Youth Association

Section 1. AQHA Youth World Championship Show Team. IQHYA will invite state qualified and nationally qualified exhibitors to participate on the Iowa Team at the AQHA Youth World Championship Show, and the National Youth Activity Team Tournament (NYATT) at the All American Quarter Horse Congress, according to Team Qualifying Rules.

Article VI

Section 1. There shall be an annual meeting held concurrently with the IQHA annual meeting. The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of members present, notification being two (2) weeks prior to the meeting to the members in good standing.

Revised January 2016